September 2006 AFACA Meeting

Last nights meeting was a pretty exciting meeting for us here in Richmond, Kentucky and I wanted to share it with all of you.

Some of you should know or have heard of Jack A. DeBorde of Lexington, Ky.   Jack is one of our members and his personal found Bust type Bird Stone and also his personal found large Clovis has been published in Prehistoric America as well as other publications.

Well........ on the evening of September 4th, 2006 ( less than 24 hours before our meeting last night) in an agricultural field in Fayette County while surface hunting Jack pulled yet ANOTHER "fantasy artifact" out of the ground.

It is my pleasure to be able to share it with you today.   Following are some of the 1st photos of this great artifact taken.  I felt privileged to be among the first to examine and hold a piece that I am sure will be published for many years to come.


*Update* (9/8/2006) -  I talked with Jack on the phone last night.   Here is the Stats & provenance on the pipe.  It measures 9 1/2 inches long, is 2 3/4 inches wide, and 3 1/8 inches in tall to the bowl rim.  I weighs between 2 and 3 lbs.   

Here is "hope" for all us surface walkers.  He found this great piece in a field where Soybeans had been recently cut, walking stubble.   It had most likely laid there right at the surface with only a portion showing all summer!  What attracted his attention was a VERY recent green scar showing on the exposed side of the pipe..... probably where the "header" of the combine and scraped it?

Good luck to all out there in your artifact quest..... what ever that may be.

Jack A. DeBorde with his VERY recent find

Below are some photos from our AFACA meeting last night.




I hope that you enjoyed viewing.


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